proudly supported by
In addition to visiting regional towns with our workshops BWA is constantly seeking to provide additional opportunities for our regional dancers to enhance their training, to be inspired and to connect with the wider world of dance.
Our pursuits are matched by the continued generous efforts of our supporters from a number of dance companies and organisations who share our passion for bringing dance opportunities to regional areas of Australia.
Our endless gratitude to all of our supporters for helping us to make dance dreams come true!
BWA is privileged to have the support of one of Australia’s pre-eminent dance companies and we are ever grateful to the Australian Ballet Company for their ongoing dedication to the promotion of dance in regional areas.
The Australian Ballet offer encouragement awards at our workshops that allow us to bring a select group of promising young students to Sydney for our Dancers’ Day Out twice a year when the company is in season at the Sydney Opera House.
Students have the unique opportunity to watch the company dancers in their warm up class on stage and to view some of the days’ rehearsal. This provides a rare and valuable insight into the life of a professional dancer, a memorable and inspiring experience for our regional dancers!
Thank you to the Australian Ballet Company for granting us this amazing opportunity, we are incredibly lucky to have your support.
Ballet Emporium has a small network of stunning boutique dancewear stores in Sydney and Victoria. They stock a unique range of beautiful designer products from around the world, making them accessible to Australian dancers both in store and online.
Ballet Emporium is very supportive of the work BWA does in regional areas and they are passionate about providing special opportunities for our dancers.
At our Dancers’ Day Out Ballet Emporium welcome us into their Willoughby store in Sydney for a magical browse and an extra special pointe shoe decoration activity! We have also been blessed with several stunning gift packs to present as encouragement awards at our workshops and these are always received with incredible joy and excitement!
BWA and Ballet Emporium are equally dedicated to the advancement of dance opportunities for students and professional dancers all around Australia and are in constant conversation over new ideas and possible opportunities that we can work together to achieve and provide.
We look forward to continuing to work with Ballet Emporium and to the exciting collaborations we have in store for the future!
A new association this year with Queensland Ballet is a very exciting addition to our list of supporters.
Queensland Ballet has offered us four vouchers for students from our January 2020 workshops to attend the Queensland Ballet Master Class in Toowoomba in July.
The master class is for students looking to pursue elite level training with a view towards a professional dance career. The master class is taken by company members and will be an eye-opening experience for our beautiful dancers who have been chosen to attend.
We look forward to hearing about their individual experiences with Queensland Ballet and we are very grateful to the company for providing these opportunities!
ED5 International is one of Australia’s leading full-time performing arts academies and provides professional level training for those wishing to pursue careers in dancing, acting and singing.
Our friends at ED5 have generously donated a position in each level at their July workshop in Sydney for three of our regional dancers to attend.
We are so delighted to be able to offer encouragement awards to a few young dancers who show promise in a variety of dance styles such as jazz, musical theatre, and hip hop.
This promises to be a unique opportunity for dancers to work with some leading industry professionals, establish valuable connections and be introduced to the exciting possibilities a career in the performing arts has to offer.
Thank you ED5 International for your ongoing support of dancers in regional areas, we are so very grateful.
Bloch Australia has been one of our most generous and long-term supporters with their continuing dedication to assisting dancers in regional areas and we are thrilled to work with them at our workshops around Australia.
Apart from their encouragement and general support of our work, Bloch provides BWA with beautiful gift packs for each of our workshops that we are always so happy to award to dancers.
Bloch is a huge multi-national dancewear company providing dancers all around the world with dance wear, from tiny part time studios to professional companies and BWA is very lucky to be looked after so kindly by the team at Bloch Australia. Thank you!
Verve Portraits are an incredibly generous supporter of BWA at all of our workshops providing photographic experience packages for our fundraising raffles.
Verve specialise in boutique, bespoke portrait experiences capturing moments and creating memories.
We are lucky to have Verve’s support at our workshops, the funds raised through raffling their portrait packages go into running our workshops and enabling some dancers to attend workshops without charge.
Apart from the benefits the fundraising brings to BWA workshops the amazing opportunity for dancers to have a professional photo-shoot is just fantastic! We have seen some absolutely stunning images captured through Verve’s portrait packages and we look forward to seeing more photos of beautiful dancers through our ongoing partnership with Verve.
Julie Wells is a highly esteemed teacher of classical ballet in Australia and Europe. Having spent a lifetime in dance Julie has taught and been instrumental in the careers of some of the most successful dancers around the world.
Julie teaches in Australia in Sydney, Canberra, Newcastle, and often as a guest teacher elsewhere as well as regularly in Europe, the UK and as a guest in other parts of the world. Julie is highly sought after and constantly in demand!
BWA is extremely blessed to have had the support, guidance and encouragement of Julie as we navigate our workshops and the dance world. We continue to look to her for advice and cherish our connection to Julie for her wisdom and skills as a teacher.
This year Julie is giving some of her precious time to inspire our regional dancers visiting Sydney in May for our Dancers’ Day Out. Julie will teach a master class for these lucky students and we could not be more excited to have such a wonderful mentor and teacher for our aspiring young dancers!
Our friends at Active Lifestyle Physiotherapy are dedicated to supporting bodies and minds in all active pursuits and endeavours.
This year we have begun collaborating with the team at Active Lifestyle to create informative and educational videos for dancers parents and teachers relating to strength, technique and injury prevention and management.
We are grateful to Active Lifestyle for their input and expertise helping us to add another facet to our dance training to deliver to our regional dancers.
Active Lifestyle are passionate about what we do at BWA and inspired to reach dancers in regional areas as well- if you are interested in finding out more information from the physiotherapists at Active Lifestyle you can contact them to organise a video consult or seek further advice.
Thank you Active Lifestyle for supporting us as we dance around Australia!
A new collaboration this year for BWA is with talented dancer, teacher and photographer Jasmine Boehm.
Jasmine has been a dancer for most of her life since her childhood in Albury, NSW. After a successful professional dance career in Canada Jasmine returned to Australia and has been teaching and training the next generation of dancers back home in Albury.
Working extensively with Tim Podesta and Projection Dance Jasmine is also a gifted photographer. Her love of dance and eye for detail means Jasmine is able to capture and create beautiful, complimentary images of dancers showcasing them at their best.
Jasmine is working with BWA to capture images of our teachers and students at various events throughout the year, we are incredibly excited at the artistic partnership and the opportunities we can bring to workshops with Jasmine and her camera!
many thanks to our dancers for drought sponsors
Julie Wells | Nicky Church | Sarah Szacsvay | Renae Villa | Charlene Fredman | Serenade Ballet Academy | École Ballet & Dance Theatre | Bailey Family | Zubrinich Family
photo credit Bernadette Meyers