online classes
Peruse our timetable of live online classes and select a class or two that takes your fancy!
We have an evolving timetable across a range of styles and levels that we are adding to as we go- let us know what classes you are keen to participate in and the times that would suit you. Our Distance Dance program as with our live workshops is aimed at serving our dance community, let us know what you desire and we shall do our best to accommodate your wishes!
Please ensure you check the level of each class before signing up, if you are uncertain contact us and we can advise.
All of our online live video classes have restricted numbers as we believe in delivering quality training with individual feedback and attention to each student. If a class is at capacity you can join a waitlist or get in touch and let us know, we may need to add additional classes to facilitate demand!
We have a range of affordable pricing options. Classes can also be purchased in the timetable & mind body app.
meet our team
Please be on time to all classes. Dancing at home does not require any less discipline than dancing in a studio. Admittance to classes will not be allowed after 15 minutes from scheduled start times. This is for dancers’ safety, to ensure classes run on time and for the benefit of teachers and other students to minimise disruptions during class.
It is essential that we continue to maintain our bodies properly even when dancing at home so please take care to warm up properly before class, participate in any warm up included in classes and ensure you/your child has a safe space to practise with appropriate footwear for the surface and style being undertaken.
Class attire is up to the individual, however please ensure attire is appropriate for moving in without providing hazards (i.e. hanging cords or baggy pants to trip on or get caught in etc.)
As in a live studio setting it is always best to be comfortable, well groomed and dressed in a manner that will allow you to focus on the class rather than being distracted by hair or clothing- neat hair and form fitting clothing is advised.